Sogo Kyutaku (Sogo Original Residence)
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Sogo Kyutaku (Sogo Original Residence)

Narita City

This house is situated near the Makata Shrine (Makata Jinja), about two kilometers from Sogo Reido Sanctuary, towards the Lake Imba. In 1652, Kiuchi Sogo, who was the headman of Kozu Village (present Narita City), bravely made a direct plea to the Shogun and saved farmers who were suffering from famine and oppressive taxation. However, he was punished by death on August 3, 1653, for violating the law against direct appeals to the Shogun, along with his four children. Since then he was been widely known and called Sogo-sama or Honorable Mr. Sogo. The house is built in an antique style from the Edo period, and it has a yosemune-style thatched hip roof, and inside the house Sogo's memorial tablet and documents are preserved.


Narita City 569, Daikata